Burton Digital Books
is proud to bring you a series of supplemental educational workbooks and materials on CD-ROM. These books are what we like to call eBooks, or electronic books. Each CD is filled with many printable worksheets that will enhance and assist your students in learning. Our Special Education eBooks are extremely useful in aiding students that need help in reversals and rotations of letters and words as well as alphabetical and numerical order. We are especially fortunate to be able to bring you a series of nature eBooks covering the many natural habitats in our environment. The nature eBooks cover the areas of tide pools, pond and riparian habitats, and deserts as well as backyard life. Our two eBooks on the dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures are well suited to many classrooms.
The uniqueness of our eBooks is you can print each of the pages for your classroom whenever you wish. You may easily Xerox the pages and use them from year to year. All our eBooks are easily adapted to any classroom. Each eBook has been diligently designed and written to fit many different levels of students. These materials have been developed and tested in classrooms over a period of many years. The authors and publishers are practicing educators with many years of experience in the classroom. Please take some time and view our offering of eBooks and we know you will be pleased with our products and how easily they will adapt to your needs. Use the link below to view our eBook menu. Clicking on any of the images will lead you to a page where you will be able to view many of the individual pages of the book so you will be able to see how these eBooks will meet your teaching needs. The publishers thank you for taking the time to peruse our products. Should you have any questions, feel free to click on the Contact button and email us your question. |